Trinity history.

The inception of the college dates back to 1857 in response to an appeal for a college of higher education.At first it was referred to by the name Kandy Collegiate School (KCS).

But the proceedings of the college had abruptly come to an end in 1863.

Its' resurrection and continued existence began in 1872 when Rev.Richard Collins a master of Arts of St.John's College Cambridge re - opened the KCS. It was renamed as Trinity College Kandy in 1876 after the college he held a post of tutorship,which is Trinity College of Dublin.

Up until 1943 all of it's principals were from Great Britain.They were eminent scholars from Oxford, Cambridge,Trinity College of Dublin and as well as other noteworthy theological schools.It was only in 1941 that Mr.C.E.Simithraaratchy a distinguished old boy with a unique record was appointed to the post of acting Principal.Subsequently in 1943 he was made the Principal which gives him the honour of becoming the first native Sri Lankan to be appointed to the post.

Much of the credit goes to Rev.A.G.Fraser when he took up the duties at the helm in 1904 for the metamorphoses given to its' infrastructure in respect of its' system of education therefore, giving Trinity the impetus needed for it to become one of the leading schools in the island.His office lasted a span of nearly two decades.During which time discipline and examination results were of highest standard and the changes brought about added a different dimension to sports and other outdoor activities.His enterprise was amply supported by his wife,friends and well wishes in collecting money for this purpose.He believed in the syntheses of heritages of the East with the cream of the west.More than anything his vision for Trinity created a tone and an atmosphere that is unique,all-embracing and present even to this day.

Among other significant contributors of overseas Principals who championed the course of the Trinity march forward were Rev.J.McLeod Campbell (1924 -1935) later Queens Chaplin,and Rev.R.W.Stopford (1935 - 1941),later Bishop of London, whose names left without mentioning would be like leaving a gaping hole in its soul.Rev.Campbell gave to Trinity a comprehensive personality with a fusion of perfection that finally bore the fruition of the work begun by Rev.Fraser.Rev.Campbell was a member of the commission on Education at a time of radical re - appraisal of the education system in Ceylon.The constitution of the school was altered so that a Board of Governors is furnished with its' control. Sinhala and Tamil being the first languages of the natives were introduced as the medium of instruction with English as a second language in the Primary School.The conceptualization of a newly constructed assembly hall became a reality after the completion of its' work. Rev.Stopford himself designed its stage and installed the lighting.

Mr.Simithraaratchy (1941 - 1951) joined the school as a schoolboy in 1904 and retired as its Principal.During this time he has the distinction as an indomitable among his contemporaries for the series of positions held and the accolades he received at Trinity.He was successively the Senior Prefect,Captain of Cricket,Cricket Lion,Ryde Gold medallist for the best all - round schoolboy,Member of staff,House master,Senior Boarding House Master,Vice Principal and finally Principal.His resilience saw Trinity wade through the trouble waters of World War II and the introduction of free education,to steer Trinity clear in these crises filled years


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