The Jefferson's Theme Song Video

Somewhere around the 1990's many sitcoms and comedies made their debut on the Sri Lankan television screens. Almost all of them were half an hour shows therefore, they fitted in perfectly with the busy schedule of Sinhala programs. The Jeffersons was one of them. The routine time slot was shared among these sitcoms and comedies. The rest of the line up included Family Matters, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The Cosby Show which were of black genre and on the other end of the spectrum the viewers were entertained to an array of white sitcoms namely The Perfect strangers, Step by Step, Small Wonder, Who's the Boss and Full House. The transmission of television channels that were privatized was restricted to a few. The inaugural transmission of TNL had only been recent and the Etv which had a limited range of reception targeting its viewers in the greater Colombo area was too at its inception.


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