Trinity history. The inception of the college dates back to 1857 in response to an appeal for a college of higher education.At first it was referred to by the name Kandy Collegiate School (KCS). But the proceedings of the college had abruptly come to an end in 1863. Its' resurrection and continued existence began in 1872 when Rev.Richard Collins a master of Arts of St.John's College Cambridge re - opened the KCS. It was renamed as Trinity College Kandy in 1876 after the college he held a post of tutorship,which is Trinity College of Dublin. Up until 1943 all of it's principals were from Great Britain.They were eminent scholars from Oxford, Cambridge,Trinity College of Dublin and as well as other noteworthy theological schools.It was only in 1941 that Mr.C.E.Simithraaratchy a distinguished old boy with a unique record was appointed to the post of acting Principal.Subsequently in 1943 he was made the Principal which gives him the honour of becoming the first native S...