
Showing posts from 2016

About - Dinesh Wattegedara.

About - Dinesh Wattegedara.
Ryde House Hostel.     There were three generations of our family who proudly donned the black and yellow striped jersey of Ryde House. Of them all, my fathers' stay at the hostel was the longest and the full extent of his bide saw him achieve many a credit to his honor. By this time if you ponder over the clueless puzzle why I publish my material in  abridged  intermittent paragraphs I have a few good reasons to unravel the predicament. Firstly, my darn Wi-Fi has a speed of slower Kbps which hinders the progress of my work and secondly, and yet reciprocal with the first adversity most of my photographs that I've converted into its digital equivalent are deposited in sites to which I have no further access. These photographs are essential in the composition of my storyline.   Ryde House crest with its motto - Finis origine pendent - The end depends upon the beginning.  The bull skull has been hanging on the upper dorm wall long before I took my lodging in Ryde. 
Just Married. In this post I've thought of sharing with the reader events that led up to my parents marriage and their blessed married life which lasted 44 yrs until the demise of my mother. The post also shed light on my parents closest relatives and friends who appear on the photographs and documents published herewith. But then again I've not met many of them nor their descendants often and the lack of snapshots in my possession puts a dent in my effort to enlighten the reader. After leaving school my mother's resolution had been to take up Teaching as a profession. Which ultimately does not see it's fruition as she enters the institution of marriage with her life partner and it was my father's idea that she desist her pursuit for the post of a teacher in order to make way for her responsibilities as a house wife. But her endeavors have not been in wane as she had landed a job as an acting sub post mistress at her village in Kandemedagama. Her ascendancy

Hulugalle Weda Walauwa.

Mrs. Ella Bandaranayake nee Hulugalle.  a.k.a. "Hulugalle Weda Menike". As a preamble to my post I must elucidate on the reader that my mother was never an Ayurvedic practitioner. Even though she was taught in the fundamentals of the traditional way of treatment of diseases. The premise to my post begins during the years my mother was schooling at Kurunegala. She attended two leading girls schools in Kurunegala namely, The Maliyadeva Girls' and Holy Family Convent. It was during her years spent as a student that she was a resident at the "Hulugalle Weda Walauwa" (an Ayurvedic treatment center). Here, she was taught in the elements of the practice of Ayurveda. She was simply given lodging there because she was their relative. Before long she was working as an apprentice in her part time while she studied for her exams. "Hulugalle Weda Menike" (the designate of the lady Ayurvedic healer / Medicine woman) hailed from the village of Hulugalle c