Hulugalle Weda Walauwa.

Mrs. Ella Bandaranayake nee Hulugalle.
 a.k.a. "Hulugalle Weda Menike".

As a preamble to my post I must elucidate on the reader that my mother was never an Ayurvedic practitioner. Even though she was taught in the fundamentals of the traditional way of treatment of diseases. The premise to my post begins during the years my mother was schooling at Kurunegala. She attended two leading girls schools in Kurunegala namely, The Maliyadeva Girls' and Holy Family Convent. It was during her years spent as a student that she was a resident at the "Hulugalle Weda Walauwa" (an Ayurvedic treatment center). Here, she was taught in the elements of the practice of Ayurveda. She was simply given lodging there because she was their relative. Before long she was working as an apprentice in her part time while she studied for her exams. "Hulugalle Weda Menike" (the designate of the lady Ayurvedic healer / Medicine woman) hailed from the village of Hulugalle close to Maho and Hulugalle was her gay name. She was married to Ubal Herbert Bandaranayake from "Malwana Walauwa", Malwana, Wariyapola. Who was commissioned for the office of Village Tribunal Officer (V.T.) and Rate Mahatmaya (R.T). He was the second child in a family of ten whose mother Ukkumenika Kumarihamy of Agare Uda Walauwa was betrothed in a polyandrous marriage to her two spouses. Both Polygyny and polyandry were widely practiced and customary among the Kandyan families. However these matrimonial customs governed by the Kandyan law was abolished by the British in 1859 after they passed the Kandyan marriage ordinance as they thought it begets to a licentious society. But the motive behind of it all was that they were alarmed by the amount of children sired by the Kandyan women.
Weda Menike had been a renowned practitioner who was sought after by patients from far and wide of the country. All this was anticipated because of her proficiency in the treatment. She had made efforts to pass down some of her knowledge to her youngest daughter Anulawathie. But her attempts had floundered as her daughter had failed to capitalize on the wisdom that was imparted. "Hulugalle Weda Menike" besides treating her patients with herbal preparations had practiced Acupressure as an alternative therapy it is said that she even diagnosed her patients by Pulse Investigation (Nadi Pariksha). My mother however, had gained the recognition and the adulation of the Weda Menike since she was well versed in Pali and Sanskrit. Therefore, could read the texts in the scriptures and moreover could converse with her mentor.  
The Weda Walauwa that was located on the third lane of Circular Road South apart from healing the infirm was large enough to accommodate an extended family consisting of Weda Menike's son and daughter in-laws.   
The adjacent block of land to the "Weda Walauwa" belonged to a rich housing contractor by the name of Mr. Bernard Sugathadasa. It was later on purchased by my maternal grandmother soon after the nuptials of my parents. Where they had come to live and where my brother and I were raised from our birth. The Weda Wallauwa has long since been pulled down and the descendants of the Hulugalle Weda Menike no longer live in the premises. The traditional Ayurvedic treatment of diseases that was supposed to be the heritage of the Hulugalle Weda Menike is no longer the pursuit of the younger generation of her descendants.    
Character certificate my mother received from Maliyadeva Girls' College, Kurunegala. She was a student of the school from (1959 - 1961). caption
Maliyadeva Girls' College, Kurunegala.caption

Character certificate of my mother. The principal at that time of Holy Family Convent had been Rev Sr Raphael Felicid de Silva - (1965–1976).  Add caption
Standing from left to right: My maternal grandmother and my mother. The photograph had been taken when my mother was a student.
            Holy Family Convent, Kurunegala.
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The photograph was taken in 1910 in front of the camp of Hulugalle Adigar in the jungles of Galgamuwa, in Wanni Hatpattu, the last Karaal conducted by S.N.W. Hulugalle, Adigar & as Ratemahatmaya of Wanni Hatpattu, Kurunegala district.
Seated from their right : Mrs. Ella Bandaranayake, nee Hulugalle, Mrs. S.N.W. Hulugalle, Hulugalle Adigar (father of Ella), & R.M. of Wanni Hatpattu, Mrs. Amma Madawala, Mrs. Clera Mapitigama,
Standing : Mrs. Palapathwala Herath, Sister of the Adigar, Miss. Sittamma Hulugalle, Later Mrs. P.B. Herath, first kandyan civil servant, younger son of Mrs. Palapathwala Herath, Mrs. Agnes Illangantilake, wife of Mr. J.H. Illangantilake, R.M. Wanni Hatpattu and later represented electorate as member of parliament.  

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Semasinghe Navaratne Wanninayake Hulugalle (known as S. N. W. Hulugalle Adigar unitll 1915) was a Ceylonese colonial-era legislator and a headmen. He was representative of the Kandyans in the Legislative Council of Ceylon. He was appointed to a Adigar from which he was removed after the Riots of 1915. Born as C. Jayatilleke, he later changed his name to S. N. W. Hulugalle and was educated at Christian College, Kotte. His uncle was John Graham Jayatilleke, first Kandyan Proctor and Notary Public.
Joining the public service as a clerk in 1868, he was appointed Ratemahatmaya in 1875 and was selected to represent the Kandyan Sinhalese in the Legislative Council in 1900 and stepping down in 1907 to be succeeded by T. B. L. Moonemalle. While holding the office of Ratemahatmaya he was given the titular rank of Dissawe in 1903 and Adigar in 1907. He retired from public service in 1913. However following the 1915 riots, he was stripped of the title of Adigar in 1915 by the British Government of Ceylon. His son-in-law P. B. Herat was the first Kandian member of the Ceylon Civil Service.

My parents with Mr.Sirisena Bandaranayake seated in the middle. ( younger son of Hulugalle Weda Menike). 

Weda Menike was the mother of five children namely and in order, Jinadasa, Premawathie, Sirisena, Kamala and Anulawathie.  Add caption

Given below are a few excerpts from a traditional medicine book that my mother kept. In addition to herbal medicine there are a few references to mantras in order to appease the Gods to dispel certain deceases caused by supernatural forces. There are also mantras to remove the poison from a snake bite. It is noteworthy to mention that certain remedies were written in prose. Albeit some of the remedies she had copied from paper articles and some others she had written down while listening to the radio. Radio Ceylon in the 1950-60's has had a wider audience. It had been the Golden age of Radio Ceylon when its broadcast covered the entire South East Asia. It is most probable that Weda Menike encouraged my mother to widen horizons of her knowledge. These habits my mother developed in her teens continued up until the latter stages of her life.  

Measurements given here are according to the sinhala metric system. The measurement of weights are as follows; Three tala (Gingelly) seeds equaled three amu seeds and three amu seeds equaled one vee ata (seed of paddy). Eight vee ata (seed of paddy) equaled one madati. Twenty madati seeds equaled one Kalanda. One kalanda equaled in weight to one copper cent. Half kalanda equaled half a cent and one manchadiya equaled quarter cent. 

The quantification is translated into grams as; one kalanda equaled 05 grams, one manchadiya equaled 250 milligrams.
Madatiya seed comes from the Red Sandalwood tree  - Adenanthera Pavonina. 

Generally, in Ayurveda the measurement of water is given by the metric unit of patha (පත) ~ (pronounced patha). 

   The measuring unit of patha (පත).
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Two units of patha equaled one mana (මනා). Two mana equaled one seruwa. 
The measuring unit of seruwa (සේරුව).
32 seruwa equaled one bushel and a bushel equaled 32 gallons. 
About 1 and 1/2 of seruwa filled with water equals 1.5 liters.

              The measuring unit of bushel. (බුසල). Add captio     

                                            Herbal ingredients for the snake bite.

Cedar (Cedrus deodara)White SandalwoodKelinda Hal (Holarrhena antidysenterica) or Kurchi, Athi Udayan  (Cryptocoryne)Garlic, Ginger, Karkatakasringi (Pistacia integerrima) ~ a tree that helps to produce gall. Portion of 01 kalanda and 08 manchadiya of the aforementioned ingredients should be boiled in a cauldron filled with water until 8:1 ratio of the concoction is left i.e., decoction of the juices.   

It should be given with an adulterant of lime and other agents of sour seasoning. 

04 seruwa of the decoction (a.k.a Kashayam or Kasayam) should be given for the duration of 8 days. 

*If the patients have difficulty opening their eyes flesh of the King Coconut should be used to balm their eyes.

*For the swelling of the patient's wound: Pila or Wild Indigo (Tephrosia purpurea) ~ leaves, should be ground with lime juice and used for the dressing of the wound.

Alternative remedy: Pethi Thora (Cassia tora), Thel - endaru (Ricinus communis) or Castorbean plant ~ leaves, Katu eramudhu (Erythrina variegata) or Indian Coral tree ~ leaves, these ingredients should be pounded with the flesh of the coconut thereafter, the pulp is put in a pan and fried at a mild temperature. 
        Excerpt 01. The inscriptions on the book dates back to 1964.Add caption

The ingredients in images:
Kelinda hal / කෙලිඳ හාල් - Kurchi (Holarrhena antidysenterica).

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Athi Udayan / අති උඩයන් - (Cryptocoryne) ~ An Aquatic monocot plant.
Karkatakasringi / කර්‍කටකශෘංගි - Crabs claw (Pistacia integerrima).dd caption                                      

Pila / පිල - Wild Indigo (Tephrosia purpurea).
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                       Pethi Thora / පෙති තෝර - sickle senna (Cassia tora).


    Thel - endaru / තෙල් එඬරු - Castorbean plant (Ricinus communis). 

Erythrina variegata  - කටු එරමුදු.Add caption

Sarva Visadi oil.  (Which is an Ayurvedic preparation that has an Anti Bacterial Effect. Among its other curative properties the formula has a reputation as a detox).   

Ingredients for the preparation:

Champak (Magnolia champaca) ~ bark, Honey tree (Bassia longifolia) ~ bark, Sri Lankan ironwood (Mesua ferrea) ~ bark, Wood Apple (Limonia acidissima) ~ bark, Purgin cassia (Cassia fisrula) ~ leaves, Castorbean plant (Ricinus communis) ~ leaves, Indian beech (Pongamia glabra synonym Pongamia pinnata) ~ leaves, Indian Coral tree (Erythrina variegata) ~ leaves, Red Lucky Seed or Red Sandalwood (Adenanthera Pavonina) ~ leaves,
Indian cotton (Gossypium arboreum) ~ leaves,  Kapeti (Croton lacciferus) ~ leaves, 
Rattlepod (Crotalaria laburnifolia L.) ~ leaves, Neem (Azadirachta indica A) ~ leaves, Climbing Atalantia (Paramignya monophylla Wight) ~ leaves, catmint (Anisomeles indica) ~ leavesPorcupine Flower (Barleria prionitis) ~leaves, Asian spider flower (Cleome viscosa) ~ leaves, Drumstick tree (Moringa 
oleifera) ~ root, Claw flowered laurel (Acronychia pedunculata ~ root, Kapeti (Croton lacciferus) ~ root, Wild Indigo (Tephrosia purpurea) ~ root, Purgin cassia (Cassia fistula) ~ root, Chinese chastetree (Vitex negundo L) ~ root, Rattlepod (Crotalaria laburnifolia L.) ~ root, Wild asparagus racemosus (Asparagus zeylanicus) ~ yam, Winter cherry (Withania Somnifera) ~ root, Spotted heart (Argyreia populifolia) ~ root, Sri Lankan ironwood (Mesua ferrea) ~ heartwood, the aforementioned ingredients should be taken in its whole viz. with its essential component parts and dried before the preparation of the concoction. Thereafter, the concoction is admixed with equal amounts of coconut cream. 
*Types of oils used for the preparation: Sesame oil (Sesamum indicum), Castorbean oil (Ricinus communis), South Indian Mahua-oil (Madhuca longifolia), Neem oil (Azadirachta indica A) and Clarified butter (Ghee oil) is taken in equal amounts, if one bottle of oil of each is admixed to the concoction ten seeds of Allspice (Pimenta dioica) are added for each and every bottle. Two pounds each of the following ingredients are added with every bottle of oil. Black cumin (Nigella sativa), Cumin seeds,  Asamodagam- local name (Trachyspermum involucratum), Chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), Baheda (Terminalia bellirica), Goose berry (Phyllanthus emblica), Clove (Syzygium aromaticum), Nut meg (Myristica fragrans), Mace, Devil's dung (Ferula assa-foetida), Garlic, Silver, Zinc, Crabs claw (Pistacia integerrima), True cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), Alum (Hydrated potassium aluminium sulfate), White turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria), Red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus), Sandalwood (Santalum album), admixture of the oils consisting of the above ingredients are thus formulated.      

Excerpt 02. Top half.d caption

        Excerpt 02. Bottom half.Add caption
* The ingredients in images:

                                Champak (Magnolia champaca) - සපු.


                Honey tree (Bassia longifolia- මී.
.Add caption


Sri Lankan ironwood / Nag Kesar (Mesua ferrea) - නා.
             Wood Apple (Limonia acidissima) - දිවුල්.Add capt


                                    Purgin cassia (Cassia fistula) - ඇහැල.



                          Castorbean plant (Ricinus communis) - තෙල් එඬරු.  
     Indian beech (Pongamia glabra synonym Pongamia pinnata) - මගුල් කරඳ.Ad

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             Indian Coral tree (Erythrina variegata) - එරමුදු.Add caption

                     Red Sandalwood (Adenanthera Pavonina) - මදටිය.Add caption


                              Indian cotton (Gossypium arboreum) - කපු.

apeti (Croton lacciferus) - ගස් කැප්පෙටියා.                                               ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Add caption

Rattlepod (Crotalaria laburnifolia L.) - යක්බේරිය.


 Neem (Azadirachta indica A) - කොහොඹ.



      Climbing Atalantia (Paramignya monophylla Wight) - වෙල්ලන්ගිරිය.

catmint (
Anisomeles indica) - යකවනස්ස.Add caption

            Porcupine Flower
 (Barleria prionitis) - කටු කරඬු.Add caption

                Asian spider flower (Cleome viscosa) - 
රම්මානිස්ස.  Add caption
               Drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) - මුරුංගා.Add caption


      Claw flowered laurel (Acronychia pedunculata) - අන්කෙන්ද.Add caption


                                                                 Chinese chastetree (Vitex negundo L)  - නික.


           Wild asparagus racemosus 
(Asparagus zeylanicus) - හතාවාරිය.A
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Winter cherry (Withania Somnifera) - අමුක්කරා.

Spotted heart (Argyreia populifolia) - ගිරිතිල්ල.dd c

Allspice (
Pimenta dioica) - සරක්කු.d caption

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           Black cumin (Nigella sativa) - කලුදුරු.               


Asamodagam ~ local name (Trachyspermum involucratum) - 

ulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) - අරලු.                                            


    Baheda (Terminalia bellirica) - බුලු.Ad
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berry (Phyllanthus emblica) - නෙල්ලි.Add caption


Nut meg (Myristica fragrans) - 
සාදික්කා ~ වසාවාසි.

              Devil's dung 
(Ferula assa-foetida) - පෙරුංකායන්.Add caption

             True cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) - එනසාල්.Add caption


Alum (Hydrated potassium aluminium sulfate) - 


                        White turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria) - හරං කහ අල.  


Ingredients for a remedy. It's been penned down by Anulawathie Bandaranayake.  d caption



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